Blog Archives

Breathing New Life into Company Gatherings: Our All-Hands Revolution

Breathing New Life into Company Gatherings: Our All-Hands Revolution In my role as Communications Director at Guru, I’ve witnessed a remarkable transformation in our monthly all-company meetings. What were once mundane updates have blossomed into vibrant, eagerly anticipated events that truly embody our company spirit. The Quest for Engaging All-Hands After 100 sessions, we’ve developed […] … learn more→

When to Get the Best Deal on Your CPUs

Choosing the right time to sell CPUs can make a significant difference in your return. Whether you’re a gamer upgrading your rig, a PC enthusiast collecting the latest hardware, or a tech blog reader keeping up with market trends, timing is everything. In this blog, we’ll explore when to sell CPUs to maximize your profits. […] … learn more→

Blockchain in Certification – A New Era for Skill-Based Learning

It’s really no secret that if you want to be successful in today’s constantly changing job market, you need to keep up with the competition. And, since competition is always fierce, no matter what you do, having a traditional degree just won’t cut it. Today, employers increasingly value specific skills, especially those you can learn […] … learn more→

Domestic Dawn: Solar Innovation Takes Root at Home

The Rising Popularity of Residential Solar Power Over the past decade, there has been a substantial increase in homeowners adopting solar energy to power their homes. Solar technologies have become more efficient, durable, and affordable than ever before. Consequently, making the switch to solar is no longer just an environmentally responsible choice; it also makes […] … learn more→

7 IT Challenges that Nonprofit Organizations Face and How to Resolve Them

Nonprofit organizations face a unique set of challenges, such as limited resources and personnel. With the right planning and technology, however, nonprofits can maximize their operations to better serve their communities. In this article, we’ll discuss 7 IT challenges that nonprofit organizations commonly face and how to resolve them. 1. High Operating Costs Many nonprofits […] … learn more→

What Is Device Management for Businesses?

Device management for businesses is a process of maintaining IT assets and data security by monitoring, managing, and updating corporate-owned devices. This includes desktops, laptops, tablets, phones, routers, servers, printers, copy machines—essentially any business device that has an internet connection.   But device management isn’t just about managing connected devices—it’s also about making sure all […] … learn more→

Private Cloud vs Public Cloud: What is the Difference?

The cloud computing market has grown exponentially in recent years and there are now two main types of cloud service models – the public cloud and the private cloud. What is a Public Cloud? Public clouds are owned and managed by a third-party cloud service provider, which is typically an IT company. It is a […] … learn more→