7 IT Challenges that Nonprofit Organizations Face and How to Resolve Them


Nonprofit organizations face a unique set of challenges, such as limited resources and personnel. With the right planning and technology, however, nonprofits can maximize their operations to better serve their communities. In this article, we’ll discuss 7 IT challenges that nonprofit organizations commonly face and how to resolve them.

1. High Operating Costs

Many nonprofits have tight budgets, making it difficult to purchase and maintain the latest technology. To reduce expenses, nonprofits should prioritize purchasing essential hardware and software and strive to maximize their use. Negotiating for discounts, renting equipment instead of buying it, and taking advantage of free or open-source technologies can also help stretch a nonprofit’s budget for things like:

  • Computers & Software
  • Communication Tools
  • Data Storage Solutions

2. Outdated Technology

Since many nonprofits don’t have the resources to regularly update their IT infrastructure, they often end up with outdated hardware and software. To keep up with the latest technologies, nonprofits should develop a strategic technology plan that identifies areas of improvement and outlines a timeline for upgrades. Enlisting a managed IT service provider for non-profits can also help streamline the process and ensure that all technology investments are used to their full potential.

3. Poor Network Security

With limited resources to safeguard against cyberattacks, it can be difficult for nonprofits to protect their networks. To ensure that their data is secure, nonprofits should invest in the latest security technology and develop robust policies for monitoring and responding to threats such as malware and phishing.

4. Inadequate Data Storage

Data storage needs can quickly outpace a nonprofit’s budget, leaving them with limited storage space on their existing servers. To address this challenge, nonprofits should look into cloud computing solutions that provide cost-effective storage options.

These solutions can be any of the following:

  • Cloud Storage Solutions
  • Online Backup Services
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS) Devices

5. Poorly Trained Personnel

Many nonprofits don’t have the funds to hire and train IT personnel, leaving their staff with inadequate knowledge about technology solutions. To bridge this gap, nonprofits should look into free or low-cost training opportunities for their existing staff members and explore external sources of IT expertise.


This can be anything from attending tech-focused conferences to seeking the help of volunteers and interns with specialized IT skills.

6. Lack of Collaboration

Nonprofits can benefit greatly from collaboration, but they often lack the tools and resources to effectively collaborate with others. To foster better communication and teamwork, nonprofits should invest in IT solutions that enable remote access, document sharing, and video conferencing. Without these tools, it can be difficult for nonprofits to connect with the community and other organizations.

7. Difficult Implementation

Without the necessary expertise or resources, it can be difficult for nonprofit organizations to successfully implement IT solutions. To ensure that their technology investments are successful, nonprofits should seek out professional assistance from experienced IT consultants.


By understanding and addressing these common IT challenges, nonprofit organizations can better serve their communities and achieve their goals. With the right technology and expertise in place, nonprofits can make the most of limited resources and maximize their impact on the world around them.