Tree TLC: Essential Care Tips


No matter the current condition of your property, planting a tree can be a wonderful way to improve your lot and improve the local biosphere. Take a walk through a local park to note the types of trees that thrive in your region. Visit a local plant nursery and look for trees that were started in your current climate. Get your older trees checked out by a professional.


Tips for older tree care


When your trees are fully leafed out, look for branches that seem to be dormant or dead. If the branch is close to the ground, you may be able to remove it yourself with some care and basic tools. If the branch is too high or too heavy, bring in a professional to check it out.


They may choose to mark the branch and remove it after the leaves fall. When a tree is putting out new leaves or dealing with summer heat, it’s working very hard. Tree care can be as simple as removing dead branches or simply pruning a tree when it’s dormant. This will help the tree thrive in the next growing season. 


Tips on planting new trees in your yard


As possible, buy local. Talk to a local nursery professional about pest-resistance tendencies as you study your options. Consider what ornamental features you may want. Do you want fall color? A non-fruiting maple might be a wonderful choice for your hard.


If you want a spring flowering tree, you will need to decide if you want a fruiting or non-fruiting variety. Fruiting varieties can be quite beautiful, but if you’re not planning to harvest the fruit, it may be better to get a non-fruiting variety.


For those who do want to grow and harvest their own fruit, discuss pollination needs. Some fruit trees are self-pollinating, but more need to have a pollination partner for fruit to form. Consider height as well. Unless you want to harvest from a ladder, a cherry tree may be easier to maintain over time.


The importance of regular tree maintenance


Getting established trees checked out by a professional regularly will reduce the chance that you’ll suffer catastrophic damage during a heavy snow or strong winds. Older trees can grow brittle, but diseased trees can be even more fragile. One diseased branch, torn away in a windstorm, can lead to further damage to the tree.


A damaged or diseased tree can also become a haven for pests. Many of these pests can be quite territorial. If you have a diseased tree that has become a home for wasps, hornets or carpenter ants, these pests may move into your outbuildings, garage or home over time. Getting a professional to check out your trees in full summer can make you aware of any nest or pest removal you need to address.


Quality tree care can turn a neglected yard into a lovely spot where both new and old trees can thrive. If you discover that you need to have trees removed, discuss stump removal options with your tree professional so you can replace trees quickly.