​​Carlos Beirao da Veiga Reveals Why Social Media Reigns Supreme


The newest marketing data has been analyzed by experts, revealing the dominance of social media.

With the business landscape growing increasingly complicated, marketers manage brand touchpoints through social media to create meaningful customer relationships. Social media is a powerful tool, and brands need clarity in deciphering which touchpoints speed up customers’ purchasing decisions.

Marketing expert Carlos Beirao da Veiga understands the power of social media. At his successful Portuguese marketing agency, Da Veiga Consulting, he gives his clients insight into emerging and growing consumer marketing trends.

“The increasing social media importance in Europe and globally favors small and medium enterprises,” Beirao da Veiga says. “Social networks help these companies promote their businesses at a lower cost and gain greater insight into customer behavior.” 

Adopting a savvy social media marketing strategy encourages small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) to prosper. Using the tools inherent in social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, business owners and chief executive officers can learn about which touchpoints people experience with a brand before making a purchase. 

“Some customers go through stages, such as awareness and consideration, before purchasing a brand’s product,” Beirao da Veiga says. “So, I tell my clients to plan their social media strategies carefully when communicating through the various platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok.” 

A native of Portugal, Carlos Beirao da Veiga works with companies of all types, sizes, and industries at Da Veiga Consulting in Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and beyond.

Global Studies Say It’s Critical to Master Social Media 

It takes multiple touchpoints before prospective customers respond to a company’s marketing efforts. This volume of touchpoints is one of many reasons why social media advertising is critical. 

In June 2022, Statista’s research department published an interesting global study about European countries’ social media advertising spending. (Statista tracks the latest trends and developments in more than 170 industries and markets.) Its survey found that increased traffic and brand exposure are the two main benefits of using social media for marketing purposes. Europe’s social advertising expenditure is rising rapidly for these and other advantages.

Some studies specific to Portugal explore the state of development of social media among the country’s SMEs. One study published by authors from the Polytechnic Institute of Gaya revealed some fascinating findings, including this factoid: More than 75 percent of Portuguese SMEs use social media in their marketing activities. 

There’s more. The Portuguese study revealed that successful social media communication improves the client’s relationship with the company or brand (55.34%), improves a business’s reputation (46.12%), and increases the client portfolio (42.23%). The businesses that adopt social networks are sure they play a role in identifying new opportunities.  

It doesn’t matter where customers are located geographically; it’s essential to carefully craft every brand touchpoint that might lead to their appreciation. Two practices stand out when describing social media’s benefits: A company can analyze customer feedback and contact the most loyal customers. Social networks allow customers to leave questions, compliments, suggestions, or complaints about products and services. 

Carlos Beirao da Veiga Explains How to Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers

“Social media is a wonderful tool for informing new people about your brand, product, or service,” Carlos Beirao da Veiga says. “Once a business masters the targeting tools on different social media platforms, it can successfully micro-target its audience.”

A business can micro-target by aiming communications at audiences divided into specific, even niche, categories. The language and visuals in such communications should concern each audience’s interests and demographics and target them using tailored messages that pique their interest.

It’s smarter for a business to use social media findings to micro-target customers who like a brand but are not convinced to buy from it yet. A retargeting ad on social media can follow up with reasons they should purchase. A company can educate existing customers on its newest products via remarketing ads. If customers add items to their basket but forget to buy them, remarketing ads can prompt them to order. Businesses can also clear up any issues with customers’ orders faster by being readily available via social media.

Delight is another element of attraction in the social media arena. Customers love brands they feel they connect with; they’re more likely to make a repeat purchase from such brands. When companies delight existing customers, it is a pathway to that company’s online community. Bonus: Customers delighted by a company’s ethos tend to be brand loyal.

Social media benefits businesses. An active and exciting profile builds trust and converts potential customers into buyers. Belief in a brand’s social media authenticity leads customers to engage entirely, which deepens the relationship. Through social media, firms can communicate with consumers on their level to understand who they are, who they associate with, and what they do and value. 
