Getting Familiar with Your Plumbing Can Save You Hundreds


As a homeowner, one of the most important things you can do is become familiar with your plumbing. If you know what each component does and how it works, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars in repairs down the road.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common components of your plumbing system and teach you what they do.

When it comes to it, a plumber with experience in these fields would be a wonderful resources when it comes to learning more about each component. If things end up broken, an experienced plumber can help to identify the problem and fix it.

The Water Supply

When you turn on your faucet, the water is forced through underground pipes until it reaches the main water valve. From there, the clean water enters your home’s “water supply” through a smaller pipe integrated into the side of your house. The water coming out of this pipe is sent to faucets, showers, toilets and other fixtures.

The Wastewater System

After water has been used in your home, it flows through the wastewater system by way of gravity until it’s discharged into the city sewer system or septic tank. The wastewater system includes the drain lines that attach to all fixtures along with a large “main line” that runs from your house to the sewer or tank.

The Septic Tank

If your home doesn’t have access to a city sewer system, the wastewater will flow into a septic tank. A septic tank is a large, watertight container that separates solid waste from liquid waste. The wastewater then flows out of the tank and into a drain field, where it’s absorbed into the soil.

The Water Heater

Your water heater is responsible for heating the water that comes into your home. It does this by circulating cold water through a series of heated pipes until it reaches the set temperature. The most common type of water heater is the electric model, but there are also gas and propane models available.

The Faucet

The faucet is the component of your plumbing system that you use to control the flow of water. It’s made up of a spout, handle and aerator. The spout is the part that releases the water, while the handle controls the temperature and flow. The aerator “aerates” the water – that is, it mixes air into it to create a more powerful stream.

The Toilet

The toilet is designed to quickly flush solid waste down the drain while minimizing the amount of water used. Modern 1.6 gallon toilets are among the most efficient models on the market today, using only a fraction of the water that older 3.5 gallon models used.

The Sink

The sink is another important fixture in your home. It’s typically used for washing dishes, hands and other small items. The sink is made up of a basin, drain and faucet. The basin is where you put the water, while the drain is the opening in the bottom of the basin. The faucet is where you control the flow and temperature of water coming from your sink.

No matter how many times it’s been patched, a leaky pipe can waste thousands of gallons of clean drinking water each year. In addition to that, if a pipe breaks completely it can flood the surrounding area with water, causing damage to your home and possessions. And when that happens, you’ll be glad you know how plumbing systems work!