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Forgetfulness or dementia: how do I recognize that?

The clinical picture of dementia occurs mainly in older people. Both memory and other brain functions are impaired, such as the sense of direction, perception and judgement, language and motor skills. Sometimes the personality and social behavior of those affected also change diritto all oblio gdpr.

Worried because you keep forgetting something? If you are unsure whether your forgetfulness is within normal limits, talk to your family doctor. He will question you and examine you physically. Do you have a relative in whom you keep discovering memory gaps? This is a sensitive issue, as many sufferers are ashamed to deny the onset of dementia and refuse support. Here it is important to proceed sensitively and empathetically and to get people to counteract the onset of dementia at an early stage in their own interest.

Eat & drink, move & rest

It sounds like a panacea, but a healthy, balanced diet and sufficient drinking, sleep, sport and exercise are also important for your brain and its performance. A healthy lifestyle from an early age keeps your brain properly oxygenated, blood-supplied, and energized, thriving, and able to cope with mental challenges. Then even a temporary forgetfulness allows you to remain calm in a challenging phase of your life. 

If your memory and mental performance are declining due to age, there are herbal and well-tolerated preparations that can strengthen memory and concentration. Active ingredients such as the extract from the leaves of the ginkgo tree – Ginkgo biloba – are ideally suited here, because the various ingredients complement each other in their interaction: they protect the nerves from harmful influences, help with the transmission of information in the brain, catch harmful ones free radicals and cause the blood to flow faster through the vessels. This improves the blood supply to the brain and promotes memory – you can learn more easily again.

Jogging for the brain

The saying “whoever rests, rusts” also applies to our brain; therefore, techniques that challenge your mind are immensely important, especially in old age. Whether it’s a chess club or a crossword puzzle subscription, playing Scrabble or solving puzzles with friends – look for a variety of challenges that you enjoy and like-minded people with whom you can keep your brain on the go.

Life without yesterday – Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s – correct Alzheimer’s disease – is a brain disease that currently affects more than a million people in Germany. The trend is rising – around 200,000 new cases are added every year. Alzheimer’s disease usually occurs as a result of old age, usually after the age of 65.

Since the most important sign of Alzheimer’s disease is progressive dementia, the disease is often also called Alzheimer’s dementia . Of all forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s dementia is the most common: around two-thirds of dementia sufferers suffer from it, women twice as often as men.

How does Alzheimer’s develop?

The exact mechanisms of the disease have not yet been fully elucidated. The fact is: information is becoming increasingly difficult to process in the brain of those affected.

How do I recognize Alzheimer’s?

Those affected increasingly suffer from memory disorders, which initially only affect short-term memory and later also long-term memory. They have problems finding their way around or carrying out work processes, such as writing or tying their shoes. In the end, they are usually completely bedridden diritto all oblio.

Just absentminded or already demented?

There are some signs that indicate that you may be dealing with dementia. Pay attention to the following warnings:

Affected …

  • become increasingly forgetful
  • often do not remember simple words
  • are always spatially or temporally disoriented
  • suffer from sudden mood swings
  • change in their personality: friendly ones become aggressive, active ones apathetic
  • withdraw from social life
  • drop items in wrong places

Losing yourself – Alzheimer’s in three stages

The disease gradually worsens. At the beginning, those affected have mildly pronounced cognitive disorders , which they can easily compensate for in everyday life by concentrating more. In the early stages of Alzheimer’s, they lose the ability to remember new information. You can’t find the right words or lose the thread in the middle of a sentence. More abstract tasks like making a bank transfer or doing arithmetic become more difficult. Some become insecure and withdraw. In the middle stage there are increasing problems with familiar work processes such as making coffee, washing hair or tying shoes. Affected people sometimes change personally, for example people who were once friendly suddenly become irritable or impatient. Late-stage Alzheimer ‘s patients require around-the-clock care.

Important: Act early!

To date, Alzheimer’s dementia cannot be cured; However, you can slow down the course of the disease – and the more effectively the earlier you start to promote your brain power. This can be done with brain training or by taking suitable preparations such as ginkgo special extracts .

In addition, physiotherapy keeps you mobile, behavioral therapy can absorb your fears and worries, occupational therapy maintains your manual skills. Do you enjoy guessing games? In the light to middle stage you can use it to promote your thinking and learning skills; but also by talking a lot about their cos’è diritto oblio
