Common IT Problems in St. Louis


As your business begins to grow and you expand your IT department, you’ll want to keep an eye on any problems that might come your way. Whether you’re a small business or a large company, you will always find yourself eventually dealing with some kind of issue. 

The most common types of IT problems that can affect your business include security breaches, data loss, service interruptions, and system downtime.

However, there are many more possible IT problems that can affect your business. Along with the most common types of IT problems, there are others, such as cybersecurity risks. With these risks, your company could suffer from data loss or downtime, resulting in financial losses for your brand.

Fortunately, there are some solutions to the problem that may be to prevent these issues by conducting regular audits on their systems and network devices or taking preventive measures before they happen.


A ransomware attack on a company’s network can cause serious financial and reputational damage. It can also leave your business without access to client data (or other information it needs).

The best way to prevent these attacks is to keep your computer on a patch level that includes the latest security updates for all software. If you aren’t sure what the latest patch levels are, ask your IT department or contact them for help.


Malware is a form of malware an attacker uses to gain access to networks or systems without permission. This can be done through phishing attacks, which send scam emails asking for confidential information like usernames and passwords. These emails look authentic but are sent by hackers looking for your information.

One reason malware is becoming more common in businesses is that it’s profitable for malicious actors to use it as part of their strategy. 

Password Hacking

Poor password practices can lead to a breach of your business’s security. Here are three common reasons why hackers target your business:

  • People use weak passwords.
  • People reuse the same password across platforms.
  • People use their personal phones for work.

Password hacking has become a serious issue for many companies in recent years. It’s not just because of the high rates of data breaches but also because it can be so hard to detect when hackers have managed to penetrate the company’s defenses and steal sensitive data.

Cyber Viruses

One of the ways to ensure that your business is secure is to ensure that the proper security measures are in place. This includes making sure that your employees are well aware of how to stay safe online since many cyber-attacks target employees. 

It also includes having the right software in place – when you use Windows, you should use antivirus software to protect your computer or laptop. Additionally, there are specific hardware devices that can help with cybersecurity – like firewalls and intrusion prevention systems. 

With these common problems, you can always get in touch with a service that can help your business if you ever have to deal with these issues.